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Product FAQs

Jacewir Shea Butter is naturally vegan. It is 100% hand-made from the nut (seed) of the shea tree using age-old traditions and techniques passed down through generations.

Baraka Shea Butter is exported from Ghana as a cosmetic product, not as a food product. It is the same shea butter that is used for food and cooking in the communities where it is made, but we don’t sell it as an edible product.

Jacewir Shea Butter is never tested on animals. Never, ever, ever. We do know of customers who use it on their pets if they have skin sores or cracked paws. We have also heard from customers who use it on their horses and on their milk cow’s udders. But, never for testing, always for healing.

All Shea Butter has a scent unless it is processed and chemically de-scented (and who wants that!). Jacewir Shea Butter will often have a very slight smoky smell that lingers from fires that the shea nuts are roasted on. Shea butter can get a rancid scent over time. The length of time it takes to go rancid is dependent on many things, depending especially on how well it is made. Poorly made shea butter will go rancid quickly.

All Jacewir Shea Butter is Community Certified Fair Trade. This means that the women who make it meet annually to review their relationship with Jacewir Shea Butter and whether or not they have been treated fairly. They review and discuss as a group and decide whether or not to let Jacewir continue to use the Community Certified Fair Trade logo.
Fair treatment includes:
Payment of a premium price above market price
Negotiation of price and relationship as a group
A respectful and dignified relationship with Baraka
Support for community, family, youth, education and other priorities as identified by the women’s groups
Plus other priorities and issues as identified by the women’s group.

You can read what others say about the product and service on our website, on Google Reviews and Facebook Reviews.

Jacewir Shea Butter can be used as is (that is how it has been traditionally used for centuries to protect hands, feet, and skin against the harsh reality of life on the edge of the Sahara Desert). Many use shea butter as a base for making all kinds of skin and hair care products, and pet care products too. You can find additional ideas and recipes online. We also maintain a DIY recipe site that has recipes and formulation tips.
There are several quality control systems and processes that work together to ensure that Jacewir Shea Butter meets or exceeds the quality expectations of our customers (93% of respondents rate the quality as Great or above). Quality control starts with the women who make the shea butter. Their processes have evolved over centuries, passed down from mother to daughter, or grandmother to granddaughter, so they have a natural, built-in quality control. Because they made shea butter for their personal use long before they sold it for export, they wanted good quality shea butter for themselves.
Jacewir Shea Butter has also added other processes and checkpoints including:
A Quality Control manual and system, based on traditional practices with modern interventions such as straining the freshly melted oil before cooling and packaging. This system is inspected annually as part of the quality control review which is part of the Organic certification process.
Every woman who makes Jacewir Shea Butter is registered and must undergo a quality control training process before she begins.
Dedicated processing and work areas designed to facilitate quality control.
A Shea Butter expert that meets with the women every year and reviews quality control and, if warranted, runs classes to demonstrate techniques and processes. Jacewir Shea Butter covers all costs for this.
Visual inspection of each carton while it is being packed. We reject any that do not meet our requirements. Cartons are filled and weighed with our team leader present, and he inspects each one.
We have our shipments tested by the Ghana Standards Authority for quality and safety issues before export. A copy of their Certificate of Analysis report is available on request when you order (email to request)
And, if there are ever any quality issues (we are all human after all) we offer a 100%, no questions asked satisfaction guarantee that includes replacement or refund.

Jacewir Shea Butter is pure, unrefined and hand-crafted using age-old techniques passed down through generations.You can see an animated infographic on the Jacewir Shea Butter process here. Not all shea butter is made this way. Much of the shea butter on the market and used in cosmetics and skin care products is made using chemicals and harsh mechanical processes and often ‘refined.’

In order for your full product to be certified as Organic, you will need to have your production processes, procedures and ingredients certified as there is very strict control on contamination as well as other risks and issues.If you purchase Jacewir Certified Organic Shea Butter and only use that in your product you can claim that you use 100% certified organic shea butter in the product, but you cannot claim the product is certified organic without being certified yourself as the certification needs to confirm that your handling of the product meets the criteria for organic certification.

Jacewir’s Certified Organic Shea Butter is inspected and certified to meet USDA NOP and EU certification standards

Organic Jacewir Shea Butter is made from shea nuts/seeds that are sourced from areas that are certified as free from pollutants and contaminants and every additional step in the process is similarly certified. The process is inspected and certified as organic and the certificates are available to you if you purchase Certified Organic Jacewir Shea Butter.

Wow! This answer could take a book, or more, to fully respond to. There are so many.

But, regulations and laws kick in, and there isn’t a lot we can say here. Just google “Benefits and uses of shea butter,” and you will see what others say.

Additionally, you can read our reviews on Google and Facebook; you will see what others have to say as well.

Shea Butter will still be good quality and very usable even after five years of stored in reasonable conditions (cool, dark, etc.). But we set shorter times for Best Before.
To be on the safe side, we set a shelf life of two years from when the women make it. The shelf life when you receive it will be at least 12 months.
We did once have a customer contact us five years after they purchased shea butter to tell us that they thought it had gone rancid. They had stored it in a damp place all that time.
We replaced it, including shipping, because we stand behind Baraka Shea Butter 100%.

It will be nice and creamy and buttery! That is if you get home in a day or two or even a week. If you didn’t plan to be home for a few years you should probably arrange cool, dark storage for it. The reality is that Shea Butter is produced in areas where the temperature is often VERY HOT and it does just fine. It isn’t good to subject it to long periods of intense heat but a day or two, or three, isn’t a big deal. And, when it is very warm, it is creamier and butterier (my computer says Butterier isn’t a word, but I am sure you know what I mean).

If you think shea butter has to be snow white and hard, then you are thinking of refined shea butter. Baraka Shea Butter is pure, unrefined and traditionally made, using no chemicals, processes or destructive processes. The color will vary from a buttery yellow to an ivory/off-white colour. The colour is dependent on several factors including rains and climate during the growing season, mineral makeup of the soil, whether it is nuts from the very first fruits or later fruits in the harvest and, I’m sure, other things that we don’t know about. We do know that whatever the specific colour of your Baraka Shea Butter, it is the natural colour that nature meant it to be.We know that some producers add yellow food colouring to try and get a consistent yellow colour. Of course, we don’t do that. If someone is advertising colour consistency in their shea butter, you may want to ask how they can make that claim unless they add something to it.As for pure white… Pure white shea butter is processed and de-scented, often with harmful chemicals. This process not only sounds horrid, but it also takes away many of the special healing and restorative powers that Jacewir Shea Butter has because of the traditional and natural way it is processed.

Shea smells smoky? Then it must be fresh! Hand-crafted shea butter is roasted over a fire and is finished with heat from a wood fire to release all the oils. Sometimes, depending on the wind, the shea will take on a bit of a smoky smell. This normally dissipates naturally after a few months (sometimes a faint, smoky odour will remain). So, if you have shea that smells a bit smokier than you would expect it likely means that it is very fresh and the smoky smell hasn’t yet had time to dissipate.

If you leave your shea opened for a few days the smoky smell should quickly dissipate.

Do you have additional or other questions about shea butter? Email them to us or suggest others we could include here.

Odering & Shipping FAQs

BC Sales tax is automatically charged on all shipments delivered anywhere in BC and on local pickup orders. If you are BC Tax (PST Exempt), please email us, and we will send you the PST Exempt ordering link. If you also want to pick your order up from the warehouse, please let us know in the email.

We will accommodate whenever we can, but this is an area where our immediate shipping policy works against us. If your order hasn’t left, we will do everything we can to change it or cancel it and refund your money. If it has left already, please email us, and we will do all we can to accommodate you.

Yes. We offer pickup from our warehouse in Duncan, BC. To order for local pickup you need to use this link. If you have already been to the website and have products in your cart, you will need to empty your cart and refresh your browser before the link will work.

We have sizes ranging from 250 gram Shea Butter bags to 27kg cartons of shea.

We recommend just ordering what you want. You have no risk whatsoever if you want to just order the amount you think you want to use. If you get the product and don’t like it just let us know and we will replace or refund. No questions asked. Ever.

We stand behind our product 100%, no questions asked. If you are unhappy in any way just let us know and we will make it right. No questions asked. Ever.

If you want to use a freight forwarder, you can have your order shipped to them, or we can work with you to have them pick it up from us. If you have any questions just email us.

You can place an order directly from our website. If you have problems, or any questions, please email or phone +1 817 810 8582

Jacewir Shea Butter is packed directly into BPA free, plastic lined cartons in Ghana by the women who make it. They leave a handprint on top of the carton before it is sealed and their producer number is recorded on the carton.

It literally goes from their hands to yours. It is packed in three different carton sizes (small, medium and large [6kg, 18kg, and 25kg]).

We often deliberately overfill or underfill the cartons to give additional ordering options so you may see different sizes on our website. And, we combine them so if you order 12kgs you are likely to get 2 x 6kg cartons. We have also created a consumer package, designed for the DIY market. This is repackaged at our facility in Canada and sells in 250gram and 500gram sizes. You will find this in an increasing variety of stores.

The short answer is as quickly as possible. We want you to have it so you can start using it (and the sooner you start using it, the sooner you can order more!)

The practical reality is that we try to ship next business day, even on orders received in the evening. Sometimes we can ship same day on orders received early.

You should receive a notice with tracking information when it ships.If you don’t, please contact us, and we will send it to you.

Most of our shipping is done with the Post Office and FedEx Ground. Faster shipping options are available on the website, and you have the option to chose them.

We maintain a full complement of product documentation, information, and certificates including MSDS sheets, lot and batch numbers, organic and fair trade certificates, certificates of analysis, etc.

If you want any of these, please note on your order and send an email to request exactly what you want.

Our website accepts most payment forms including e-transfers. If you have a payment type you would like to use, and the website doesn’t accept it please email, and we will see if we can accommodate you.

We have flat rate shipping in continental North America (everywhere except for Hawaii and Alaska). One rate for Canada and one for the USA. That is a subsidized rate where we pay about 35% of the average shipping cost.

If you want faster shipping by air, you can select that at checkout. For international orders, we use Canada Post and DHL. You can see the cost and select between the two at checkout.

The Website prices are currently show in USD$.

Your credit card company will bill you in whatever currency your credit card is in.

We stand behind our product 100%, no questions asked. If you are unhappy in any way just let us know and we will make it right. No questions asked.

If you are unhappy, we will also try to find where/if we went wrong and how we can improve. Our satisfaction ratings for Jacewir Shea Butter and the service that our team provides are off the charts positive.

When we have someone who isn’t happy we want to know, and we want to do what we can to make it right for them and to make sure we fix anything we can.

If you are ever unsatisfied in any way, with our product or our service, please, please, let us know. If you know of anyone who is unsatisfied, please ask them to let us know or send us their contact information, and our Managing Director, Wayne, will personally follow up.

Do you have additional or other questions about shea butter? Email them to us or suggest others we could include here